Employees Compliance Document
Code of Ethics
- Metnurse personnel must treat all clients in a courteous and respectful manner.
- Metnurse personnel may not use client’s car for personal reasons.
- Metnurse personnel may not consume the client’s food or beverages.
- Metnurse personnel should never use client’s telephone for personal calls. Metnurse personnel should always identify themselves if they are answering the phone for the client.
- Metnurse personnel should never discuss politics or religious beliefs, or personal problems with the client.
- Metnurse personnel should not accept gifts or financial gratuities from the client.
- Metnurse personnel should never lend money or other items to the client, borrow money or other items from the client, or sell any items to or for the client.
- Metnurse personnel may not purchase any items for a client without their written request and in accordance with the client’s Plan of Care. Any purchases should be for medical necessities.
- Metnurse personnel should never bring personal visitors to the client’s home – even if they have the client’s permission.
- Metnurse personnel must never smoke in client’s home
- Metnurse personnel must never report for duty under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances, nor should he/she consume alcohol or illegal substances while at work.
- Metnurse personnel never sleep in the client’s home unless stated in the client’s Plan of Care.
- Metnurse personnel must treat client’s belongings and residence with respect. Metnurse personnel are guests at the client’s home.
- Metnurse personnel should never give their personal phone number to the clients.
- Metnurse personnel may not work for the client on their own time or accept any type of payment for their work, including caring for the client during client’s hospitalization.
- If the client is unable to be left alone, Metnurse personnel may not leave the client even if the service time is over. If there is no one to replace the Metnurse personnel, he/she should call the office and explain why he/she has to remain longer.
- Metnurse staff should not move heavy objects such as furniture or appliances.
- Metnurse personnel should only take instructions from Metnurse supervisor(s) not the client.
- Metnurse personnel should always follow the client’s Plan of Care and cannot modify client’s Plan of Care. If changes are needed, Metnurse personnel should contact the clinical supervisor to make the changes.